Wednesday, November 24, 2010

21 november 2010
Totally to morning today..
Ill call him to wake him up
His request, im so hapiee and so proud because he give a me a permission to wake him up and he trust me..oh god im so hapiee till I cant sleep last juz think about him almost all the time..u why u did this to me..i don’t know wheter u give me a hope to be with u or u juz wanted to be my fwend only and not more than that..tis morning when I wake up, im so hapiee coz the first thing In my mind is you..8:30 sharp I call you as your request..ur voice..ala mnanja sgt macam budak2 nak bangun tido nak g skola..u nakal, susah nak bangun tido..u bt I gelak sorang2..u manja sangat..cara u bt I nak call u again juz because I nak dgr ur voice dalam nada yg nervous I did call u again..hahah u blm bangun lg kan..tis time I bt garang2 sikit so u don’t be late to go to so sorie ok u..i don’t mean it to make you unhapie early in the morning.
You semalam when u text me..i did told u one of my fwend like you..sbnarnya fwend pun da ada bf u..i juz nak tgk sejauh mana u akan bertanya kt i..and wat I can see u did ask me about my jealous u..sgt2…I nak jer cakap kt u sbnarnya I yg suke kt u sgt2..i do and I did fall in love with u maybe tak rasa and tak realize about it..
When I talk about u infront of fwend, they did said that you maybe pun ada feeling kt I, yelah sampai tolong kejutkan bangun tu I itu sume normal..kawan..but they said itz not u sanggup text I eventhough u pakai maxis and I pakai digi.. kadang2 I kesian kt u…and for ur info, I da ada perancangan nak tukar my bila I fikir2 balik, takut2 u realize something.. I takut nanti u fikir I bt ni juz utk u.. I tak nak..u I do miss you..’
You my family and my cousin da tahu pasal u…I juz bg thu mereka yang kita ni kawan jer and not more than that..hahah..sebenarnya in my heart I do hope it is more than that..really I swear u..
U misss you sgt..  I LOVE YOU PAKCIK…
U tonight I text u lagi..i Tanya u macam mana keje hari ni..u kata penat sgt coz byk sgt keje..kesian u kan..u said this because u kata nak cari duit kan..i luv u..u smalam sume asyik kenakan I jer..then I rasa macam nak marah semua org because they do not believe me that u and I juz fwend..sebenanrnya I hoping more than that u…
U, I sangat nakal kan..u did told me that ur parents not at home, and they are in Kelantan coz ada wedding.. I sgt nakal g takut2 kan u..hahah..i tahu u penakut kan..maybe..coz u did told me that u tak suke tgk citer hantu maybe u takut..then I kcau  u and said benda yg bukan2 till u terus tido..geram jer I…at least bg thu la u da tak…im waiting tak kisah la because its my faults juga kacau u..
Oh ya u, I ada bg thu u yg I kesian kt u because I rasa macam I sshkan u jer when u text me..yelah u pakai maxis and I pulak pakai digi..then u kata tu la u pakai digi lg..time tu rasa bersalah sgt..and u make me calm and said takde benda yg ssh la u..u said this to, nurul u takde benda nak rasa guilty ok..oh omg u really did stole my heart.. I don’t know how to impress it..
I love u

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