Wednesday, November 24, 2010

23 November 2010
Today its his turn to wake me up..hahha unbelievable he did well…suara dia so sweet and make my morning so really hope that he will do this every morning and make my world turning so great…u I really don’t understand with my heart rite now..sometime happie sometime not so.. all this because of u…u laz nite u did ask me about my soriee because I need to lie sbb my blog its all about u..and I cant tell u..sorrie u and tq for cheer up my morning…
U I start my first day hari ni…ok la event penat..u know what benda yg bt I cheer up its u..i juz think about u..u td ramai sgt budak2 yg I macam tak rasa nak pandang sgt.. I tak thu why..event kta bkn couple and we never declare anything I rasa macam sayang kt u and konon la taknak curang….
U ble I balik td I macam nak text  u and told u about my hardest day hati ni sgt berat nak text u coz I takut nanti I jer yg macam over kt u..event u takde aper2 pun dgn i..for ur info u, I dah type pun mesej nak text kt u tp tak hantar pun..coz I takut I mcm sshkan u…
Then bla I sampai umah u text me…omg I was so hapiee…sgt2 hapiee…this is wat im waiting for.. u ask hows my day…I told u..and then the thing that make me hapie is when u said this “u ok dear” omg again.. im so hapie coz when u said dear I rasa sayang kt u lebih la..but im so sorry I tak reti nak reply ur calling…tibe2 when we text, u ttdo..bengang btl I tunggu u… but its ok coz u do text me ble u tbgn td..tibe2 jer kan u…I rasa mcm di appreciate lak.. yelah bla u text me once u bgn, siap said sorrie lg..uh and u still tak lupe Tanya I macam mana…u2… I really fall in luv with u

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