Sunday, April 17, 2011

nurul comeback

i thought da lama sgt i tak open  my blog..nrul tak tahu ape da jd blog nrul ni..
tat a lots of thing i wanna share..about myself, my friend and about him..the most person tat i love rite now without his notice about it..

my friend ::
in tis life i learn a lot of thing, especially about knowing ur yang slalu kt kutuk tu la akan jd sahabat kita without we realise kawan yg rapat dgn kita tu la kta tak sedar sometimes dia adlah enemy kta skrg..
i do love my me my fwend adlh org yg akn help me out beside my fwend yg akan give my advise when i do something fwend know about someone i luv more than my self..(mybe) my fwend la tempat i will share about my life to them..i need a friend tat can accept me no matter how stupid i am..i never need someone tat juz be my fwend because they juz wanna use juz wanna be me when im wit u guys..nrul tak nak jd hipokrit bla nrul dgn guys hope u notice it..

my love::
mybe u tak tahu tat i da fall in luv with u..sometimes is really hurt when i see you wit someone else..i akan rasa dengki when someone call u baby,sayang, my love and so on..i tak berani nak say how much i love u dpn2 bbe... im juz a gurl tat reaallly need you..nrul tak nak bla nrul luahkan perasaan nrul dkt awk my history akan berulang lagi..i have a bad nitemare about this..awk nrul sayang kan awk till ade org lain propose nrul pun nrul tolak awk..because i know tat i do love all about my one will understand about it juz my own self bbe...

my self::
i never know wat happen to myself lately ni..sometimes i feel so lonely,and sometimes i rase i blh without anyone in my life..JERKKK rite..hahah but this is me..IM LOZZZ..I juz lozz my self...i try to find out wat hppen tp i tak tahu mana salah nyer myself ni..haha gedik la kaw i da nk dkt..masalh i bertambah2 setiap hari..about fwend, him and my juz hope everything will be ok soon..


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